2001 Census
Fact Card: Tyne and Wear
A set of fact cards for Tyne and Wear and it's constituent districts, providing a selection of the most frequently requested data from the 2001 Census.
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Tyne and Wear and its constituent districts, Jan 2004 in PDF (1,635 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Gateshead district, Jan 2004 in PDF format * (191 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Newcastle district, Jan 2004 in PDF format * (192 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: North Tyneside district, Jan 2004 in PDF format * (192 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: South Tyneside district, Jan 2004 in PDF format * (192 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Sunderland district, Jan 2004 in PDF format * (97 kb)
Fact Card : Tyne and Wear Wards
A set of fact cards for each of the 114 wards in Tyne and Wear and the wards in each constituent district, providing a selection of the most frequently requested figures from the 2001 Census.
Are you looking for?
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Wards in Tyne and Wear Jan 2004 in PDF format * (16,995 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Wards in Gateshead Jan 2004 in PDF format * (3,858 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Wards in Newcastle Jan 2004 in PDF format * (4,719 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Wards in North Tyneside Jan 2004 in PDF format * (3,365 kb)
- 2001 Census Fact Card: Wards in South Tyneside Jan 2004 in PDF format * (3,375 kb)
Hard copies available from TWRI for £1 per ward/£50 per set of 114 wards.
Fact Card : England
A fact card with glossary, for England, providing a selection of the most frequently requested data from the 2001 Census.
Fact Card : England and Wales
A fact card with glossary, for England and Wales, providing a selection of the most frequently requested data from the 2001 Census.
Fact Card : North East
A fact card with glossary, for North East, providing a selection of the most frequently requested data from the 2001 Census
Key Statistics : Snapshot of Tyne and Wear Local Authority
A table of a selection of Tyne and Wear Local Authority key statistics from the 2001 Census of population.
Are you looking for?
- Document - CP03/1 2001 Census: Tyne and Wear Local Authority Key Statistics, in PDF format * (64 kb)
Profiles: Parliamentary Constituency
2001 Census Profiles are available for each of the 13 Tyne & Wear Parliamentary Constituencies. A map in PDF format shows the constituencies of Tyne and Wear.
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Blaydon
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Gateshead East and Washington West
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Houghton and Washington East
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Jarrow
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Newcastle Central
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Newcastle East/Wallsend
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Newcastle North
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - North Tyneside
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - South Shields
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Sunderland North
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Sunderland South
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Tyne Bridge
- 2001 Census Profiles for Parliamentary Constituency - Tynemouth
Topic Report: Car Ownership
This report presents data on car ownership and the characteristics of the people and households that have/do not have cars. Tyne and Wear data is presented alongside comparator areas at various regional scales. Data for the five Tyne and Wear districts is presented. Car ownership data is presented for Tyne and Wear Census wards in a series of thematic maps. A key finding of this report was that Tyne and Wear's car ownership rate is very low at 58.2% (73.2% nationally).
Hard copy available from TWRI for £20.
Topic Report: Economic Activity and Employment
This report covers economic activity (full-time employees, part-time,self-employed, unemployed), unemployment (comparing Census and claimant count) and changes in economic activity rates 1991-2001. It carefully includes and excludes students. Tables give Districts data. Ward-level data are shown in maps.
Topic Report: Ethnicity & Religion
This report provides analysis of qualifications, occupations, unemployment rates and household composition and tenure for ethnic and religious groups. Key findings on ethnicity show that ethnic minorities are generally i) better qualified than the overall population, ii) much more entrepreneurial, with high rates of self-employment, iii) three times more likely than overall to use private rented tenure and iv) less than half as likely as overall to own their own home outright.
Hard copy available from TWRI for £30.
Topic Report: Housing
This report presents housing-related data from the 2001 Census of Population. The Housing report covers the following issues; dwelling stock, housing tenure, housing amenities and housing stress. It also examines housing issues in relation to the following selected household types; pensioner households, households with dependent children and ethnic groups. Variations within Tyne and Wear are examined at district level and also analysed and mapped at ‘new ward’ level (i.e. those wards which came into effect in June 2004, rather than standard Census wards).
Topic Report: Migration
27 Matrix tables of origin/destination migration flows based on the Special Migration Statistics (SMS) tables from the 2001 Census. Migration flows are considered at local authority and district level and Tyne and Wear ‘migration zone’ level (an aggregation of around 5 wards).
Topic Report: Population and Household Characteristics and Health
This report represents population and household data, from the Census of Population 2001, on Tyne and Wear and its five districts, along with national comparisons. Population is broken-down using gender, age, ethnicity and religious beliefs, along with those living in communal establishments. Information on population density is also provided. Households with dependents are discussed including; children, lone parents, the elderly and those with limiting long-term illness. Finally, a brief consideration is given to the health characteristics of the population.
Hard copy available from TWRI for £30.
Topic Report: Residents and their Jobs
This report is about employed residents of Tyne and Wear and the kinds of work which they did at the time of the 2001 Census of Population. It presents information on their occupation, industry, major employment sectors, hours worked, self-employment and of the socio-economic classification and social grade assigned to them on the basis of their jobs. The report focuses primarily on Tyne and Wear, but places this within the context of Tees Valley, the North East, the metropolitan counties and England. It also examines variations within Tyne and Wear at District-level, with some analysis at ward-level.
Hard copy available from TWRI for £30.
Topic Report: Skills
36 tables highlighting qualifications ( by age-bands, gender, economic activity, industry and occupation), ‘unused skills’, ‘workless families’, ‘former industry’, ‘former occupation’ and ‘time since last worked’. Tyne and Wear is examined within the wider context of the NE region, Yorkshire and Humberside and National comparators, as well as comparisons between the five individual Tyne and Wear Districts