Joan Davison

Joan has over 30 years experience in handling various data sets. Joan is an ex Tyne & Wear Research and Information (TWRI) Senior Researcher with particular expertise in data management and manipulations. Joan joined TWRI back in 1986 when it was first established. She has extensive expertise, understanding and capabilities in Community Safety Data (Crime, Recorded Incidents, Victims, Offenders, Fire, Probations data etc.) including sourcing, cleansing and disseminations. She also has a long established experience with Census data; Land and Property data; the Gazetteers; Area Profiling and practical experience of using GIS.
Joan has led the Land and Property Working Group for over 15 years. She was responsible for the Gazetteer development and maintenance and she has advised the team who established the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG). Joan also has extensive and practical experience in producing the TWRI‟s Private Housing Land Studies (PHLS).
Joan has developed a number of systems for data handling and integrations. She was heavily involved in the development of the AreaProfiler, a web based GIS system. She also has developed the TWRI‟s data warehouse which included over 300 indicators from various data sources.
Joan also conducted Surveys (postal and telephone), designed questionnaires and managed the data input processes. She designed and developed the systems that were needed to input the data and analysing it. Over a number of years, Joan led the work of maintaining the Tyne & Wear Business Link “Businesses Database” and carried out the annual survey of businesses. She also conducted the regional Export Surveys.